Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Pharmacological Odyssey

A bit about why I am interested in the things I do, with some research updates coming shortly...

I am fascinated by the fields of psychology and philosophy, especially regarding the mysterious realm of psychoactive drugs. My curiosity in the subject began in high school, after reading the classic piece of psychedelic literature, The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley. The book sketches out Huxley’s reflection on his first mescaline experience, an unexpectedly mind-blowing experience that led him to reconsider his beliefs on the philosophy of the mind. Utilizing insights from aesthetics, perception, ethics, and existentialism, Huxley was able to create a strong philosophical framework of human psychology and perception. What struck me the most about this book was Huxley’s ability to critically evaluate such an abstract and subjective experience and turn it into a lucid and succinct treatise on what drugs reveal about the mind. His success hinted at a hulking abyss of knowledge about our psychology that lay waiting to be revealed through the study of drugs and the mind. I soon dove into other sorts of drug-related literature, from the primitive academic psychology experiments of the 50’s, to the spiritual ravings of the late 60’s, to the modern-day renaissance of medical research.
Scouring through this body of work, I was often disappointed with the pseudo-scientific and overly-spiritual nature of those writing in the field. I understand that spirituality and religion can play a very important role people’s interpretation of drug experiences, but I feel like there are much more profound realizations to be found using the lens of logic and science. I craved more hard facts! More objective evaluations! More critical thinking! The emotions and passions that have plagued the field are hindering the progress we are making in terms of understanding psychedelic drugs through the human mind.

Feeling as if the voice of science and reason are underrepresented in the field of psychoactive drug research, I am inspired to tackle the subject with the critical mindset of philosophy and the sciences. 

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